5 Tips for submitting your first CFP

Image credit: Cloud Nord 2021 x WeLoveDevs


Ok I admit, it’s the topic of the moment. But David really wanted to talk about it too. He was particularly inspired by Estelle Landry and Julien Topçu who shared a conference on the subject at the Jug Summer Camp in La Rochelle (register too). There are 5 tips: Speak at Meetups and small conferences Write, create desire from the title Fight the impostor syndrome (with a breadcrumb trail, and public interactions) Work on your Personal Branding (when you search for David on Twitter you discover that he is AWS Infinidash certified) Inspire your personal projects with conferences and inspire your conferences with personal projects.

4 Aug 2021 18:00 — 18:30
Interview WLD
Fun fact, It was my first podcast recording ;-)
